We spend an average of 40 hours per week in the office, excluding travel time; it’s a lot! It’s therefore natural to feel a lack energy from time to time. Discover our 5 tips to overcome motivation drops and get more energy at work!
Get Moving
It’s no secret that exercise should be part of our lifestyle, but did you know that moving can also give you energy? 20 minutes of physical activity is enough! Take advantage of your lunch break to go for a walk, get in the habit of taking the stairs instead of the elevator, get up regularly to drink water… These actions are simple, but they will certainly help you get your groove back!
Take Regular Breaks
It is almost impossible to stay focused for 8 hours straight. By taking regular breaks, you will regain your energy and increase your productivity. Different options are available: some take a 15-minute break every 90 minutes, while others divide each hour in 50 minutes of work and 10 minutes break. Whether you go out for a breath of fresh air, read a good novel or answer your emails, these little interludes will make your day much more productive.
Treat Yourself With a Nap
Have you ever heard of power naps? These short naps are miracles! Indeed, according to The National Sleep Foundation, a 20 to 30 minute nap will make you more alert, happier and more efficient. Can’t fall asleep? Just close your eyes, listen to music, sit outside or take deep breaths.
Practice Mindfulness
Stress is one of human beings’ worst enemies. In our performance-oriented society, we accumulate to-do lists and try to do a thousand things at a time. But what if we went back to the starting point? Learn to practice mindfulness, which involves stopping to think about the future and staying in the present moment. Instead of thinking of everything you will have to do in the next few days, weeks and months, put them in writing, and then dedicate yourself only to what you are doing. You will see your stress decrease and your energy increase in no time!
Eat Healthy
Your body needs fuel to get through the day, and that fuel is foods that are rich in essential nutrients. Never skip breakfast, and make sure it is nutritious and healthy; instead of the classic pastry stuffed with sugar, eat protein-rich foods and good fats. Same for lunch! You may also need a small amount of extra energy in the middle of the afternoon; that’s when Malyna comes to the rescue with a selection of delicious snacks! Whether you prefer dried fruit or whole grain crackers, you will get the motivation and determination you need to end the day with a punch!